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David Evans



David brings fervor, grit, and passion to his real estate profession. David’s love of real estate dates back to his teenage years when he began helping with demolition and climbing scaffolding at his father’s rental properties in West Philly. Years later, after buying and selling his own home, and also joining in the search for multiple friends’ first homes, David was encouraged to begin his own real estate career.

Before his venture into real estate, David spent 20+ years in the hospitality industry doing everything from washing dishes to managing multi-million dollar restaurants. From there, he has developed highly detail-driven skills in customer service.

David has an arch nemesis: Litter. For many years he has cleaned his street, neighborhood and local parks. During the shutdown of the pandemic, David galvanized neighbors through social media and took suggestions to clean other neighbors' blocks. The suggestions kept coming weekly, so with a partner, David began a nonprofit organization called Block By Block Community Litter Removal. The mission is to have the cleanest city in the country. The mission is completed by a block being nominated and volunteers joining to help their fellow Philadelphians. It has been an exciting experience to see people come together for a common cause.

He currently resides in North Philly and unapologetically roots for all Philadelphia sports teams.

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